January 12, 2016
E.Q:Research information that is crucial to concepts in the Crucible.
Determine how fear is used in society and connect it to real life.
Obj: I can research information that is crucial to concepts in the Crucible.
I can determine how fear is used in society and connect it to real life situations.
The Crucible pertains to the supernatural, especially with witches.
Do you believe in the supernatural. Why or why not?
Word: Supernatural
Part of Speech: Adjective
Dictionary Definition: (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
Your Definition:
Activity: What is an example of something described as supernatural?
Use a picture as a visual aid.
1. Building Background Knowledge
You will be split up into 4 different groups.
Each group will be responsible for researching one of the following five topics:
Salem Witch Trials
Mass Hysteria
You will then present this information to the entire class.
Your group must create a poster, prezi, slide show, etc. to include the essential facts from your research.
Use the Building Knowledge document to record your notes on your assigned topic.
Use the Building Knowledge document to record your notes on your assigned topic.
Below are questions to consider while researching:
- When did this occur or end?
- Why did this happen?
- How does this relate to present day situations?
- Who was responsible for this?
- What are critical facts?
- What impact did this have on society?
- How does this relate to fear?
- How does this topic relate to the Crucible?
- Feel free to include any other information not prompted by the questions above.
Additional Requirements:
Include at least 10 pieces of information.
Be neat and legible.
Visually Appealing
Here are some suggested websites for each topic
Salem Witch Trials:
Mass Hysteria:
2. Presentations
Each expert group will present their research to the class.
As each groups shares their information, you are responsible for taking notes.
Use the document you recorded your notes in earlier to complete this task.
3. The Crucible
As a class, we will read the following:
A Note on the Historical Accuracy of this Play
Act One Pages 3-7.
How do the people described relate to the Puritans from the class presentation?
Imagine if you lived during this time period, how would you feel about the rules and ideas put in place?
Based on the information that we read, hypothesize how this type of community and mindset initiated the SWT?

3. Things you learned.
2. Things you want to know.
1. Positive about your group presentation.
As a class, we will read the following:
A Note on the Historical Accuracy of this Play
Act One Pages 3-7.
How do the people described relate to the Puritans from the class presentation?
Imagine if you lived during this time period, how would you feel about the rules and ideas put in place?
Based on the information that we read, hypothesize how this type of community and mindset initiated the SWT?
3. Things you learned.
2. Things you want to know.
1. Positive about your group presentation.
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