January 6, 2017
E.Q: What is the American Dream?
Identify the effects of rhetoric and evaluate examples.
Identify the effects of rhetoric and evaluate examples.
Obj: I can define the American Dream and explain mine.
I can identify the effects of rhetoric and evaluate examples.
I can identify the effects of rhetoric and evaluate examples.
Free Write Friday
Every Friday we will have 5 minutes to write creatively.
You can write stream of conscience, poetry, short stories, riddles, jokes, songs, etc.
Just make sure that you keep typing for the entire five minutes!
Your goal should be to reach approximately a half page.
If you are stuck, use the prompt provided:
Word: American Dream
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.
Your Definition:
Activity: Describe your American Dream.
Word: Rhetoric
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.
Your Definition:
Activity: What is one thing you remember about rhetoric from last year?
1. The American Dream
How do we define the American dream?
Argue whether or not that idea is still alive today?
Compare and contrast the ideas between the two videos.
2. One Pager
Your Dream
This is your first real piece of writing that will demonstrate your skills as a writer.
In your assignment folder, create a document labeled your dream.
In a one page essay, explain what your dream is.
Consider what your goals and dreams are, and explain what you believe is your American Dream.

This is your first real piece of writing that will demonstrate your skills as a writer.
In your assignment folder, create a document labeled your dream.
In a one page essay, explain what your dream is.
Consider what your goals and dreams are, and explain what you believe is your American Dream.

Use the link above to take Cornell notes on the rhetorical triangle.
These notes should be hand written and include a title, HOT questions, and a summary.
4. Practice
Identify which strategy is being used in each ad.
Include whether or not it is effective and explain your rationale.
We will go over these as a class.
Time Permitting
In your assignments folder, identify an example of pathos, logos, and ethos.
Make sure to include a copy of the image and explain how it uses either pathos, logos, or ethos.
How confident do you feel in your understanding of the rhetorical triangle.
Use the learning target to assess yourself.
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