January 13, 2017
E.Q: Connect ideas of the Crucible to the past and present.
Obj: I can connect ideas of the Crucible to the past and present.
Free Write Friday
Create a half page, double-spaced free write.
Remember, try not to stop typing for the entire 5-6 minutes.

Term: Crucible
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:
1 : a vessel of a very refractory material (as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat
- 2: a severe test
- 3: a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development
Your Definition:
Activity: Determine which definition applies to the title of The Crucible.

1. Presentations
We will complete the remaining presentations from yesterday.
2. The Crucible
As a class, we will read the following:
A Note on the Historical Accuracy of this Play
Act One Pages 3-7.
How do the people described relate to the Puritans from the class presentation?
Imagine if you lived during this time period, how would you feel about the rules and ideas put in place?
Based on the information that we read, hypothesize how this type of community and mindset initiated the SWT?

As a class, we will read the following:
A Note on the Historical Accuracy of this Play
Act One Pages 3-7.
How do the people described relate to the Puritans from the class presentation?
Imagine if you lived during this time period, how would you feel about the rules and ideas put in place?
Based on the information that we read, hypothesize how this type of community and mindset initiated the SWT?
3. Act One
As a class we will read pages 7-13.
We will need volunteers for the following roles:
Mrs. Putnam
Who Fears Who?
In Act One, we are introduced to a number of major characters of the play.
It is important to establish each characters role in the play and their relationships with each other.
First, select one character that was introduced today.
Then, determine who/what they are afraid of.
In a TPEQEA paragraph, explain why you believe your selected person exhibits this fear.
Overall, what is your initial impression of the play?
This should be 2-3 sentences.
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