January 31, 2017
E.Q: Connect past and present situations to the Crucible.
Identify examples of the big idea of fear in the play through textual evidence and imagery.
Obj: I can connect past and present situations to the Crucible.
I can identify examples of the big idea of fear in the play through textual evidence and imagery.
We will watch the video in the link above together.
As you watch, decide on ONE similarity and ONE difference you would like to share with the class.
Word: Red Scare
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism or radical leftism
Your Definition:
Activity: Discuss similarities and differences between the Crucible and McCarthyism.
Personal Crucible Vocabulary
There are quite a few words that may be unfamiliar as we read.
Add TWO more words today.There are quite a few words that may be unfamiliar as we read.
Make sure that you have NINE recorded words in total.
1. Red Scare Discussion
. Enemies from Within Review
We will review senator McCarthy's speech from the 1950's and information from the video.
Also, use your Venn Diagram to share your comparisons and contrasts.
Connect these ideas to present day.

2. Gallery Walk
We will have a gallery walk for the fear mini-posters.
Make sure to observe the different quotes selected by your peers and give them feedback on their work.
3. The Crucible, Act Three
Pages 88-100
Mary Warren
Discussion Questions
Evaluate the overall character of the judges and the reverends.
Analyze the behavior of Proctor and Mary Warren.
What is one question that you have abut the text or the Red Scare>