February 21, 2017
E.Q: Define illusion and reality.
Research the two concepts.
Analyze the point of view and perspective of Midsummer Night's Dream.
Obj: I can define illusion and reality.
I can research the two concepts.
I can analyze the point of view and perspective of Midsummer Night's Dream.
Which one is more important, illusion or reality?
Justify your answer.
Word: Perspective
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the ability to understand what is important and what isn't <I know you're disappointed, but keep your perspective.>
Your Definition:
Activity: Use the word in a sentence.

1. Reflection
Pick one question to respond to in a half page.
We will discuss our ideas as a class later.
- To what extent can one believe one’s own eyes?
- What is the nature of reality?
- In what ways is illusion important?
- What part does imagination play in romance?
- Why do we need illusions in our lives?
As a class we will read Act One, Scene One.
Discussion Questions
Identify some of the characters perspective on love.
How does illusion and reality impact the characters?
Analyze how imagination impacts romance.
3. Socratic seminar Prep
Tomorrow we will conduct a seminar based on the following Topic
Analyze how reality impacts illusions and how illusions impact reality.
Use the articles below to gather notes for your discussion.
Try to find ONE article of your own that supports your opinion on this topic.
You will have time tomorrow to create questions.
What is one thing you found interesting from one of the articles?
Why did you select that?
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