Friday, May 12, 2017

StudySync/Brain Break

May 12, 2017

E.Q: Review and apply concepts that we have strengthened over the semester.
Utilize a brain break to decompress before the exam.
Obj: I can review and apply concepts that I have strengthened over the semester.
I can utilize a brain break to decompress before the exam. 


Free Write Friday.

This is the last one!!!
Create a half page, double-spaced writing piece.


Create your own story with emojis.

Image result for create your own emoji story


Word: Theme
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: he main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, a movie, etc. 
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of theme.


1.  Song of Myself Focus Questions

As a class, we will review the answers to the focus questions.

2.  Brain Break

Brain breaks are essential for keeping your sanity.
Try out a couple today: 

Color/draw a picture.
Read a book for fun.
Play a game.
 Write creatively.
Watch a video.


On a scale of 1-10 how prepared do you feel for the exam?  Explain.

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