May 9, 2017
E.Q: Analyze a passage for author's choice.
Obj: I can analyze a passage for author's choice.
Quiz. Quiz. Trade.
Use one index card to create a flashcard based on the terms of the elements of literary style handout.
On one side put the term, and on the second side put a couple of sample questions.
Word: Author's Choice
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes and it is the technique which an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to author and depends upon one's syntax, word choice, and tone.
Your Definition:
Activity: Read about defining style at ReadWriteThink.
1. Read the passage from Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Complete the style analysis worksheet with a partner to practice.
If you finish early try to complete another chart with a passage from the Great Gatsby.
If you finish early try to complete another chart with a passage from the Great Gatsby.
2. USAtestprep Practice
As a class we will work through 10 questions.
Then, individually you will try to answer an additional ten.
How confident do you feel understand author's choice using the learning target?
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