Monday, May 15, 2017

Battle Royale

May 15, 2017

E.Q: Reflect on concepts and performance throughout the semester.
Obj: I can reflect on concepts and performance throughout the semester.


Complete the teacher evaluation form as honestly as possible.
On the backside, write a self reflection of your performance throughout the semester.
The reflection should be at least five sentences long.


1.  USAtestprep

We will play the battle royale game.
Divide yourself into teams and create a name for yourself.


Good luck tomorrow!!!
Write down one motivational quote to help encourage you for the exam.

Image result for good luck quotes

Friday, May 12, 2017

StudySync/Brain Break

May 12, 2017

E.Q: Review and apply concepts that we have strengthened over the semester.
Utilize a brain break to decompress before the exam.
Obj: I can review and apply concepts that I have strengthened over the semester.
I can utilize a brain break to decompress before the exam. 


Free Write Friday.

This is the last one!!!
Create a half page, double-spaced writing piece.


Create your own story with emojis.

Image result for create your own emoji story


Word: Theme
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: he main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, a movie, etc. 
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of theme.


1.  Song of Myself Focus Questions

As a class, we will review the answers to the focus questions.

2.  Brain Break

Brain breaks are essential for keeping your sanity.
Try out a couple today: 

Color/draw a picture.
Read a book for fun.
Play a game.
 Write creatively.
Watch a video.


On a scale of 1-10 how prepared do you feel for the exam?  Explain.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


May 11, 2017

E.Q: Review concepts for the final exam.
Obj: I can review concepts for the final exam.  


Next week begins final exams!
Write yourself THREE positive statements to help with them.

Image result for positive reminder


Word: Theme
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: he main subject that is being discussed or described in a piece of writing, a movie, etc. 
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of theme.


1.  StudySync- Song of Myself

First read through the poem Song of Myself by Walt Whitman on pages 125-129.
These are your books so feel free to write/annotate in them.
Answer the think questions, on page 129, either by yourself or with a partner.
Make sure that you are answering all parts of the question!

Then, individually complete the close read and focus questions on page 130.

Lastly, complete the writing prompt as a constructed response.

2.  Any Human to Another
Read the poem on pages 245-246.
Complete the questions just like you did previously.


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being very, how confident are you for the exam?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Revising/Study Tools

May 10, 2017

E.Q: Reflect on what you can still do to improve your mastery of concepts.
Revise any assignments.
Create study tools.
Obj: I can reflect on what I need to do to master concepts and apply myself.
I can revise any assignments.
I can create study tools.

Reflect on your current quarter four grade.
Determine whether or not you need to revise anything.
Create a to do list for items that need to be revised, or determine what study tool you want to create.


1.  Work

Begin working on your to do list from your starter.
(Revisions, Remediation, Missing Work, Study Tool)

Use the chart above to practice finding textual evidence.
You can base your research on anything that you find interesting.


Review your to do list.
How successful were you? Explain.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Practicing Author's Choice

May 9, 2017

E.Q: Analyze a passage for author's choice.
Obj: I can analyze a passage for author's choice.


Quiz. Quiz. Trade.
Use one index card to create a flashcard based on the terms of the elements of literary style handout.
On one side put the term, and on the second side put a couple of sample questions.


Word: Author's Choice
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes and it is the technique which an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to author and depends upon one's syntax, word choice, and tone.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Read about defining style at ReadWriteThink.

1.  Read the passage from Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Complete the style analysis worksheet with a partner to practice.

If you finish early try to complete another chart with a passage from the Great Gatsby.

2.  USAtestprep Practice
As a class we will work through 10 questions.
Then, individually you will try to answer an additional ten. 


How confident do you feel understand author's choice using the learning target?

Monday, May 8, 2017

Choice and Style

May 8, 2017

E.Q: Analyze poetry and identify figurative language.
Take notes on author's choice.
Practice analyzing passages for author's choice.
I can analyze poetry and identify figurative language.
I can take notes on author's choice.
I can practice analyzing passages for author's choice.


NC Test Tutorial


Word: Author's Choice
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes and it is the technique which an individual author uses in his writing. It varies from author to author and depends upon one's syntax, word choice, and tone.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Read about defining style at ReadWriteThink.


Read through the poems and complete questions 1-8.
For the questions that require writing just write a short response.

2.  Elements of Literary Style Checklist

Annotate the handout.

We will read through this together.
Reflect on the think aloud.

4.  Practice

Read the passage from Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Complete the style analysis worksheet with a partner to practice.


How confident do you feel understand author's choice using the learning target?

Friday, May 5, 2017

Figurative Language and Poetry

May 5, 2017

E.Q: Identify figurative language in poetry.
Analyze poetry.
Obj: I can identify figurative language.
I can analyze poetry and identify its uses of figurative language.


Free Write Friday!

Create a half page, double-spaced free write.
This is one of the last free writes we will ever have!

Prompt Option: 

Image result for writing prompts for high school


Word: Figurative Language
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of figurative language.

Image result for figurative language


Use the link to read the poem and complete the questions.
We will go over the answers as a class.

2.  By The Sea by Emily Dickinson 
Read through the poem, making annotations in a Google Doc.
Then complete the questions posted below.

I started early, took my dog,
And visited the sea;
The mermaids in the basement
Came out to look at me,

And frigates in the upper floor
Extended hempen hands,
Presuming me to be a mouse
Aground, upon the sands.

But no man moved me till the tide
Went past my simple shoe,
And past my apron and my belt,
And past my bodice too,

And made as he would eat me up
As wholly as a dew
Upon a dandelion's sleeve —
And then I started too.

And he — he followed close behind;
I felt his silver heel
Upon my ankle, — then my shoes
Would overflow with pearl.

Until we met the solid town,
No man he seemed to know;
And bowing with a mighty look
At me, the sea withdrew.  

A.  What is the objective summary of the poem?

B.  Which line best captures the main idea and why?

C.  What is the speaker's attitude?

D.  List a few examples of figurative language?
What does it represent?

E.  What is the theme of the poem?  Give evidence.

Read through the poems and complete questions 1-8.
For the questions that require writing just write a short response.


Using the learning target, evaluate how confident you feel with figurative language after today.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Finding Figurative Language

May 4, 2017

E.Q: Define figurative language and identify it.
Obj: I can define figurative language and identify it.


Take out you flash card from yesterday.
Quiz. Quiz. Trade.


Word: Figurative Language
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of figurative language.

Image result for figurative language


1.  Gallery Walk

We will conduct a gallery walk for the figurative language charts.
Write down an example of a simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, and hyperbole.
Make sure each one comes from a different image.

2.  Identification

a.  Select a song that you really like.
b.  Create a TPCASTT for it.
c.  Identify any figurative language and identify the type.
d.  Answer the question: 
How does figurative language  enhance the meaning?
e.  Switch with a partner for review.

Use the link to read the poem and complete the questions.


Using the learning target, evaluate how confident you feel with figurative language after today.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Figurative Language

May 3, 3017

E.Q: Apply your knowledge to complete a student created mini test.
Define figurative language terminology.
Identify figurative language in an image.
Obj: I can apply my knowledge to complete a student created mini test.
I can define figurative language terminology.
I can identify figurative language in an image.


Review your exam and answer key from yesterday.
Make sure you have all 10 questions, as well as your answer key with explanations.
Revise any parts that are necessary.


Word: Figurative Language
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of figurative language.

Image result for figurative language


1.  Created Test
Find a group of people to trade tests with.
Complete the exam and reflect on the answer key.
Once again, consider your strengths and weaknesses.

2.  Figurative Language

Use the Literary Devices website to help you take notes on unfamiliar terms.
If you already know the terms make yourself flashcards to use in the future.
Make sure you know the definitions and some examples for the following terms:


3.  Figurative Language Picture Chart

You will create FIVE different examples of figurative language based off of one picture.
You must include: metaphor, simile, hyperbole, allusion, and personification.
We will share these with the class to see several different example.


Using the learning target, evaluate how confident you feel with figurative language after today.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Created Exam

May 2, 2017

E.Q: Annotate a story to help your understanding.
Create a test that has higher order thinking questions with an answer sheet.
Obj: I can annotate a story to help my understanding.
I can create a test that has higher order thinking questions with an answer sheet.


Reflection on Released Exam

Use the guide below to help complete the Google Form.

1.  Themes/Central Ideas
2.  Word Phrases
3.  Textual Evidence
4.  Word Phrases
5.  Textual Evidence
6.  Textual Evidence
7.  Point of View
8.  Words with Multiple Meanings
9.  Figurative Language
10.  Author's Choice
11. Writing
12. Author's Choice
13.  Words and Phrases
14.  Point of View
15.  Figurative Language
16.  Author's Choice


Word: Objective Summary
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased summary of a text.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Create an objective summary for the Great Gatsby.


1.  Test Creation

With a partner, you will decide on ONE short story to create a practice exam.
You will be responsible for reading through the story and creating 10 questions.
9 multiple choice and one constructed response.
Then, you must create an answer key for the test because you will be giving this test to another group.
The questions need to be higher order thinking questions

Stories to Choose from:

Image result for tell tale heart

What is one thing you learned from creating the test?

Monday, May 1, 2017

Peer Edit Alternate Assignment

Peer Edit Alternate Assignment

Complete a peer edit form for yourself!
Then write a TPEQEA on the benefits of peer editing.
Make sure that you include a quote.

Due: Friday, May 5.

Released Exam

May 1, 2017

E.Q: Demonstrate application of skills that we have worked on this semester.
Obj:: I can demonstrate application of skills that I have worked on throughout the semester through the released final exam.



Review the progress report that I gave each of you.
Write a 5 sentence reflection on your progress.
Consider what you are proud of and what you would still like to improve.


Word: Textual Evidence
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: Textual evidence is evidence from a text (fiction or nonfiction) that you can use to illustrate your ideas and support your arguments.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Use textual evidenced to answer the questions in the released exam.


1.  2015 Released English III Exam

Answer all 16 questions.
Make sure that you are annotating when necessary.
You will have 40 minutes complete the exam.
Good luck!

 How many questions did you get right?
Reflect on this.