E.Q: How do you create identity?Identify how others see you based on point of view.Create claims to justify your reasoning.Research the validity of the American Dream.Obj: I can determine how I create identity.I can identify how others see me based on point of view.I can create claims to justify my reasoning.I can research the validity of the American Dream.
Create a SMART goal for yourself based on what you want to accomplish during class time for your Perspective and Point of View Project.Remember you are getting ONE hour of class time to work on this.We will have the gallery walk tomorrow at the beginning of class.
Vocabulary: Word: IdentityPart of Speech: NounDictionary Definition: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual Your Definition: Activity: Fill in the sentence.I am analyzing my identity as a ___________ because ____________.

1. Perspective and Point of View Project
Review the requirements in the Google Doc.This will be due Thursday, March 2.
You have ONE hour to work on this.

2. American Dream Philosophical Chairs Prep
Debate Topic:The American Dream is alive.
Read one article from each side of the argument, taking Cornell notes on each. Then determine which side of the argument you stand on.
Not DeadCNBCStill Alive, But Unrecognized
Dead7 Facts that Prove it is DeadThe American Dream is Dead
Multiple Article ResourceNYTimes
Closure: Create a plan for what you need to do tonight for homework.
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