April 28, 2017
E.Q: Demonstrate skills developed throughout the entire semester.
Obj: I can demonstrate skills developed throughout the entire semester.
This is the LAST benchmark of the semester!!
Create a realistic goal for yourself.
State what you would like to score and why you selected that as your optimal score.
1. Benchmark 4/28
There are 20 multiple choice questions and 1 free response.
They all deal with skills taught throughout the semester and you must answer all of them.
Remember, you need to earn a minimum score of an 80% or complete remediation.
The remediation will be posted next Friday.
This is due Friday, May 5.
These benchmarks must be completed with me!
If you do not finish today then you must pick a time to come in and finish.
Good Luck!
Reflecting on the benchmark which questions were the easiest for you? the hardest? Why?
This will help prepare us for our 10 day review.